As a lifelong learner it is important to sort and share information, tips and tutorials so you have them handy. For architecture and design I will share these here notes in a structured format. Currently there are 3 sections – Archviz, Unreal Engine and Other Software.
Changing Lightning and Skies in Renders (9:11m) – Results are nice.
Make your Blender 2.8 render look better – 15 minutes
Title+Link | Length | Level | Software | Description |
Make your Blende 2.8 renders look niceMake your Blende 2.8 renders look nice | 15:20 | High | Photoshop | These are quite small minor details that he is adding in photoshop which might be good for high quality renders. |
3d modelling
Top 50 sites 3d – Quite nice and sorted. Issue: Doesnt rate the quality. Often high quality. Also not all are free… Some bad quality ones, some good ones. Not specific to architecture. Lets you sort by type, 3dsmax/obj models etc – Designer items. Very high quality and made for arch viz but much limited supply. If you want to make a goodlooking 3dmodel of render then this is a good point to grab detailed items. Limit: 5 objects per day.
turbosquid Some pretty nice and detailed ones. However, you download it in .rar… Also, at time of trial they timed out.
Quixel – They do super mega realístic scans and now is imported for free into UE4.
Textures cost money but looks very professional.